The Stained Glass Project
The Stained Glass Project, 2013/14. River East Church, Winnipeg, Canada. This project was designed and coordinated by Rachel Baerg and Danielle Fontaine Koslowsky. All one hundred windows were built by members of the REC community. Photograph by Carson Samson.
In the beginning
In the studio at Palliser
The people behind the project
The Flash Mob Project
The Hallelujah Flash Mob Project, 2015. Chapters Polo Park, Winnipeg, Canada. Organized by Danielle Fontaine Koslowsky with Pianist Irmgard Baerg. Photographs by Gerald Regehr.
The Icons Project
Caught up in the Heavens, acrylic and caulk on canvas, 48 x 92 x 1.75 inches x 2
Behold and Beheld, acrylic and caulk on canvas, 48 x 92 x 1.75 inches x 2
Canadian Mennonite University, Chapel
Canadian Mennonite University, Chapel
©2015-2024 Danielle Fontaine Koslowsky. All Rights Reserved.